A Member of Bank of China Group

Corporate Information

Corporate Information

Headquarters, Registered Office and Principal Place of Business in Singapore 79 Robinson Road, #15-01
Singapore 068897
Place of Business in Hong Kong Registered under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance 5/F Manulife Place
348 Kwun Tong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Secretary Jonathan Mahony
Authorised Representatives Steven Townend
79 Robinson Road, #15-01
Singapore 068897
Jonathan Mahony 
79 Robinson Road, #15-01
Singapore 068897
Audit Committee Dai Deming (Chairman)
Chen Jing
Jin Hongju
Fu Shula
Antony Nigel Tyler
Remuneration Committee Fu Shula (Chairman)
Li Ke
Dai Deming
Nomination Committee Li Ke
Dai Deming
Fu Shula
Yeung Yin Bernard
Risk Committee Antony Nigel Tyler (Chairman)
Chen Jing
Liu Yunfei
Strategy and Budget Committee Jin Hongju (Chairman))
Zhang Xiaolu
Steven Townend
Liu Yunfei
Robert Martin
Antony Nigel Tyler
Yeung Yin Bernard